H. E. Henry, DDS, INC. 200 Saint Thomas Dr. Weirton, WV 26062.3844
GENERAL DENTISTRY Children and Adults 304.723.7200

Children’s Dental Health: 6 – 12 Years Old

From around ages 6 – 12, children gradually lose their baby teeth and their adult teeth start to appear. The first adult teeth to come in are molars and front incisors. The first molars are important because they help shape your child’s face and affect the position and health of the other adult teeth that are about to arrive. A downloadable ADA Permanent Teeth Eruption Chart can be found on the upper menu bar under the NEW PATIENT BUTTON > Resources.

  • Maintain regular professional dental care. Additionally, many school systems require a dental screening or examination prior to enrollment or periodically thereafter through the elementary school years; for more information consult your school system’s requirements or local dental offices.
  • New molars should be protected with paint-on coatings called sealants and professional fluoride treatments.
  • Primary (baby) teeth cavities need to be restored to maintain health, chewing, and appearance.
  • Premature loss of a baby tooth, due to advanced decay or trauma, before normal shedding may require space maintainer placement to hold the space for the proper eruption of the permanent tooth.
  • Your dental professionals can evaluate alignment and spacing problems; proper alignment or crowding of permanent teeth may need to be assisted by early orthodontic guidance and intervention.
  • Encourage healthy eating habits that include a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Avoid simple starches, fruit chews, suckers, and sugary foods and drinks or sugary chewing gum. Give your child fruits and vegetables for snacks. Do not reward your child with candy, suckers, sweet treats, ice cream, or soda.
  • Fluoridated water is the recommended beverage. Avoid sports drinks, juice packs, sodas, and energy drinks, Kool-Aide, etc.
  • Make sure all caretakers (grandparents, relatives, and sitters) are all informed about proper nutrition and treats.
  • If you suspect a problem with your child’s mouth or teeth, schedule a visit to the dentist as soon as possible. Consider a morning appointment when the child is rested and cooperative. At that time, dental professionals will examine your child’s mouth, teach you how to care for your child’s teeth at home, counsel you on proper nutrition and prevention of future dental problems. This will establish a “dental home” for your child’s future dental care.
  • Remember to keep your anxiety and concerns to yourself; emphasize the positive as children can pick up on your emotions or fear. Avoid the use of words such as “hurt”, “pain”, “needle” that promote anxiety. Never use the dental visit as a punishment or a threat. Generally, do not prepare the child for the visit. The dental team will explain the procedures to the child utilizing a “tell, show, do” approach. Except for your questions to the dental team, please remain silent while professionals are giving your child instructions.
  • Regular and thorough brushing and flossing must occur twice a day for at least two minutes after breakfast and before bedtime fluoride toothpaste. Children do not need tartar control, whitening, or sensitivity toothpaste. Fluoride mouth rinses such as Fluorigard Rinse or Act Kids Fluoride Rinse are helpful products to help keep enamel hard and acid resistant.
  • Most dental injuries in preschool and school-age children occur from falls.
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